Outdoor Learning and Urban Gardens has been in the works since 2019 with a grant from ECHO, Early Childhood Health Outdoors to develop the First Steps playgrounds and Montbello Organizing Committee also provided funds to begin our first modest garden. With Covid-19 changing everything in our lives, it too launched our program to the forefront..  With multiple grants, volunteers and company support the program has evolved rapidly and continues to grow as the students and staff have responded positively to this wonderful addition to our Montessori programs.

How Can You Help?

We will need the support of Monarch families, local businesses and the communities we serve. Monetary donations are tax-deductible. You can make a donation in December on Colorado Gives Day on either of our pages for First Steps or Charter.

Families: Check with your employer to see if your company has a match program as a way of increasing your donation. Click here to make a direct donation. Get your hands dirty and volunteer to help build! Check back here for more opportunities to get involved.

Business and Community: We will have opportunities for businesses to get involved! Marketing opportunities as well as donations and volunteering.